Biblish Library

The Biblish Library is a simple product that coffee shops can purchase to begin offering books by small publishers in a painless manner. Derive an equity from each purchase, never worry about inventory or order fulfillment, and present your customers with one more reason to visit your shop again and again.

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A simple product

All the advantages of becoming a bookseller with none of the work

Bring books into your coffee shop for customers to read, discuss, and purchase, while you continue to focus on what you do best, running your coffee shop

Let Biblish Market You
Biblish has an interest in meeting readers where they are in order to sell more books. A purchase of The Biblish Library will mean we will market your shop as though it is our own.
It's easy
There is no need to keep track of inventory. New books for the Library will be mailed to your shop in a Biblish mailer. Just open the envelope, take out the book, and place the book in the display.
Turn unused space into a unique asset
Outside of the space dedicated to your cafe equipment, the 5" x 14" inch area where you display The Biblish Library will become the most valuable space in your coffee shop.
Become a part of Biblish's mission
To every extent within our power, we want each coffeeshop that hosts a Bilbish Library to become a place for local writers to think, discuss, work, and find an outlet for their work, and we are interested in learning along with you how best to make that ambition a reality.
We Have a Lot in Common

Like you, we are a small, independent entity that is hoping to have an outsized impact on our community. Biblish is trying to create a horticultural, rather than an agricultural, model for book distribution. Big bookstores do not seem to have an interest in the earnest and craftsmanly writing we specialize in. So, we thought we would try to meet potential readers where they already are, and where they may be receptive to something new. That's where your lovingly curated coffee shop comes in.

Are you ready?

Purchase your subscription to The Biblish Library and everything you need to get started will be shipped to your store right away

The Biblish Library

The Biblish library is Biblish's book stocking program for coffee shops

What's included

  • A merchandizing display & marketing materials
  • The latest 2 volumes of The Rialto Books Review
  • 33% equity in all purchases
  • All future book releases



Not quite sure yet?
Request your free trial here.