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Thank you for your interest in The Biblish Library. With a subscription to The Biblish Library, your shop will receive a merchandising display and books, configured with a QR code that allows customers to purchase the books. Biblish will mail the order to the customer, and your shop will receive 33% of the sale price.

If you are interested in the dynamic this program might bring to your coffee shop, but you feel unable to commit to a subscription, we here at Biblish are happy to offer you a free 12-month trial of this program.

Biblish is on a mission to improve the process of reading, writing, publishing, and distributing literature, at scale, and in a durable manner, in order to positively contributes to the American literary landscape in the long-term. We are happy to offer your shop this free trial, because we believe that partnering with small, independent coffee shops to create a national distribution network is a great way to realize this ambition.